Flash Talks: Readings, Resources, & Digital Assets

Welcome to the Readings, Resources, and Digital Assets flash talk series page. This flash talk series focuses on both identifying and creating materials used in InterPro’s programming.

The Readings, Resources, and Digital Assets series is comprised of the following topics:

Part 1: Curating Readings and Resources

Part 2: Copyright

Part 3: Overview Files

Part 4: PowerPoint Slides for Non-Credit Programming

Part 5: PowerPoint Slides for Credit Programming

Part 6: Videos

Part 1 of 6: Curating Readings and Resources 
David Klindienst, Strategic Relationship Manager of Harvard Business Review, and Anne Glorioso, STEM Librarian at Steenbock Library, leads a conversation on finding and vetting course readings and resources available through UW-Madison libraries and beyond.

Note: This flash talk is open to all and would be most applicable to credit course programming.

Part 1: Curating Readings and Resources Slides

Use the navigation menu in the upper left corner of the video to search by chapter.

Part 3 of 6: Overview Files
Learn about InterPro’s overview files and how their key components promote best practices in adult education. The key components discussed during this session include learning outcomes, the significance of the topic, and learning activities.  Note: This flash talk is relevant to both credit and non-credit programming.

Part 3: Overview Files Presentation Slides


Use the navigation menu in the upper left corner of the video to search by chapter.

Use the navigation menu in the upper left corner of the video to search by chapter.

Part 4 of 6: PowerPoint Slides for Non-Credit Programming 
This flashtalk is a refresher on InterPro’s NCPD course material processes and timelines. Also, learn new ideas for improving and elevating your PowerPoint slides.

Part 4: Powerpoint Slides for Non-Credit Programming Presentation Slides


Part 5 of 6: PowerPoint Slides for Credit Programming 
Discover tips and tricks for improving your web conference and recorded presentation PowerPoint slide decks.

Part 5: PowerPoint Slides for Credit programming Presentation Slides

Use the navigation menu in the upper left corner of the video to search by chapter.

Use the navigation menu in the upper left corner of the video to search by chapter.

Part 6 of 6: Videos 
Our last flash talk on the readings, resources, and digital assets series is centered on the instructional video production process. Learn how we use Camtasia and Kaltura to create and deliver recorded content, how we can ensure our videos are accessible, and how we can apply strategies to improve the final product.

Part 6: Videos Presentation Slides